9/11 and Cultural Memory
Plus: Disney and China; a Poor Defense of Looting; Exploiting Kids and Cultural Schizophrenia
John Stonestreet Shane Morris

John Stonestreet and Shane Morris reflect on the nineteenth anniversary of 9/11. How has 9/11 shaped a generation’s cultural memory? And what events are shaping the cultural memory of today’s younger generations–and what effect will that have on the culture itself?
Also in this episode: Dinsey’s cozy relationship with the genocidal Chinese Communist government; is it really possible that people will fall for the idea that looting is not only permissible, but liberating for the oppressed?; thoughts on critical race theory, and the culture’s schizophrenia when it comes to on the one hand condemning the sexualization of children while at the same time creating cultural artifacts–films, novels, etc.–that glorify the sexualization of children.
They wrap up the show with their recommendations for the week: Shane’s praise for the Christian folk duo Gray Havens; John on Katy Faust’s upcoming book Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movmement.
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