A Better Kind of Library
A Colson Fellows grad is opening a worry-free space aimed at respecting kids as kids.
John Stonestreet Maria Baer

Recently, Illinois lawmakers voted to withhold funding from public libraries if they removed sexually explicit books, and officials in Virginia voted to withhold funding for libraries until they dealt with the sexually explicit books in the kids’ and teens’ sections. Amid the library wars, new graduate of the Colson Fellows program Ashley Borrego decided to give her neighborhood a better kind of library. This fall, the Cornerstone Living Library will open inside Cornerstone Bible Church in Lilburn, Georgia. Ashley is filling the shelves with donated books—from Christian authors to homeschooling resources to Nancy Drew mysteries—that respect kids as kids. Parents will soon be able to take their kids to a library without having to screen everything for obscenity and lies.
What if all churches served their communities by providing libraries? Colson Fellows like Ashley are agents of restoration wherever God has placed them. Join the class of 2024 by applying before June 30 at colsonfellows.org/apply.
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