Plenty of scorn has been heaped on a small handful of churches by many in the media because they were holding services, downplaying that any real threat to religious freedom exists.
But when it comes to a different right, one not listed anywhere in the constitution and certainly not listed first, there is great concern.
According to the Washington Post, nine states are trying to prohibit abortions as an elective procedure to reserve medical beds and supplies for COVID-19 patients. Such measures, says the article, “cannot be applied to the time-sensitive and constitutionally protected right of a woman to choose an abortion.”
Just to be clear, there was a judicially-created right to abortion, but not a constitutionally protected one. Freedom of religion is in there though, right off the bat, in fact.
The decision to limit church gatherings to help “flatten the curve” during this pandemic is a good one, but the whole situation is revealing we need to be clear on which constitutional rights exist, and which do not.
Supreme Court avoids one abortion battle, but new lawsuits are being filed
Robert Barnes | The Washington Post | April 14, 2020
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