Beauty Everywhere, Even Online
There is beauty everywhere, even amidst the filth and rancor online.
John Stonestreet Timothy D Padgett

Social media can be a moral wasteland, turning adults into the worst versions of themselves and drawing kids into corruption and self-harm. Still, there is beauty everywhere, even amidst the filth and rancor online.
Among the best are the videos of people, usually kids, receiving some medical marvel: a child hearing his father’s voice for the first time because of a hearing aid or cochlear implant, a colorblind groom seeing his bride in all her glory for the first time on their wedding day, or huge smiles breaking out on infants’ faces when seeing their parents without any blur.
Watching others captivated by the wonder of simply seeing or hearing is a powerful statement on the goodness of God’s world. These folks didn’t receive superpowers. They were just restored to normal human ability. Their stories point to the importance of our bodies as fundamental to our identity as image bearers. They are part of the wonderful design of our loving Designer.
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