China’s People Take a Stand
This month, China exploded in protests against President Xi Jinping’s three-year “Zero-Covid” policy.
John Stonestreet Kasey Leander

This month, China exploded in protests against President Xi Jinping’s three-year “Zero-Covid” policy. This in reaction to a number of incidents, including widespread hunger in Shanghai, forced lock-ins at factories like Foxconn’s 200,000-worker iPhone plant, and most recently, the deaths of 10 people in a residential fire where first responders were delayed by pandemic restrictions.
The brutality of the state has left many ordinary Chinese with no alternative but to resist. As one 27-year-old protestor put it, “We want our basic human rights as citizens.” Later he wrote on social media, “If my speech was useful, then I am one step closer to being an ideal Chinese.”
In the worldview of China’s atheist regime, there are no metaphysical grounds for human rights, freedom of speech, or the dignity of the individual. There is only the State and the will of those in power.
That creates a culture both inhumane and unstable. Pray that, by the grace of God, what comes from this chaos will be a better future for China.
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