Conservation Without God?
Some of the loudest voices calling for conservation efforts are philosophical naturalists who espouse a worldview that lacks any basis for conservation efforts.
John Stonestreet Kasey Leander

As the popularity of nature documentaries attests, a feature of being God’s image bearers is enjoying and even marveling at the glory of His creation.
And yet, some of the loudest voices calling for conservation efforts are philosophical naturalists who espouse a worldview that lacks any basis for conservation efforts. If there is no God, there is no way the world should be. It wasn’t created for any larger purpose, it lacks intrinsic value, and humans are just the dominant species who, because of might, should simply have their way with it.
Author Kirsten Birkett put it this way, “Some of us like our collections of atoms in the form of trees and meadows. Others prefer cars and fuel. Who is to say which is better?”
Only God can. When He pronounced His creation “good,” He embedded it with moral purpose and then created human beings to cultivate it. Tending to the Earth is an act of worship … and part of our purpose.
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