Covenant Students Restore Officers’ Faith
In a touching moment at a press conference earlier this month, Drake thanked the students of Covenant School.
John Stonestreet Jared Hayden

The weeks that have followed the shooting at Nashville’s Covenant School have been filled with grief and anger, funerals and protests. Yet in the midst of this horrific tragedy, Nashville Police Chief John Drake has found renewed faith and renewed hope.
In a touching moment at a press conference earlier this month, Drake thanked the students of Covenant School. At a memorial service for victims, Drake admitted that he and other officers were “hurting” but were moved to tears as students proclaimed the hope they have in Christ in the midst of this tragedy. Chief Drake thanked Covenant School for instilling that hope in their students.
The Church has hope because Christ is risen from the dead. As Paul wrote, “We do not lose heart. … For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Nashville has seen firsthand that these aren’t mere platitudes or feelings. Hope has substance when it is grounded in Jesus Christ.
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