Heading into the Election, What Would You Say About the Tough Issues of 2020?
John Stonestreet David Carlson

A year ago, the Colson Center launched an ambitious project that would equip Christians with answers to our culture’s toughest questions, the kind of questions that tend to generate more heat than light whenever they come up. The type that many Christians tend to shy away from. With this resource, we hoped to see Christians running into those conversations about God, morality, truth, and culture, not running away from them.
The What Would You Say? project is a video series, with each video answering a single, difficult question with answers that are trustworthy, credible, understandable, and most importantly, shareable. Among the questions we’ve tackled in the past year: Are science and religion opposed to one another? Is Critical Theory biblical? When does life begin? Does rape justify abortion? Does the existence of intersex people prove there are more than two genders? How about these: Was Jesus a Socialist? Does porn improve relationships? Do the crusades prove that Christianity is a violent religion? (You know, all the easy questions Christians get…)
These videos can be found either at WhatWouldYouSay.org or by going to the What Would You Say channel on YouTube. While there, hit the subscribe button and join the over 23,000 others who’ve joined the What Would You Say community. So far, the videos have been viewed over a million times.
Over the next 12 weeks or so, with election season in full gear, we’ve planned a set of videos to to tackle the various political and policy questions and issues that are front and center on people’s minds. These videos will not only equip Christians for conversations about the presidential campaign and the place of faith in the public square, but also about those issues central to state and local ballots, including abortion restrictions, education, economics, race, and civic responsibility.
For example, two videos already available address questions many young people have about economics, questions that lead them in a socialist direction. “Is Socialism the Answer?” and “Does Capitalism Only Benefit the Rich?”
Over the next few weeks, we will release videos that tackle two political questions having to do with abortion. First, how should you respond when someone says, “I Don’t Like Abortion, but It Shouldn’t Be Illegal?” According to a recent study, a significant number of Americans who think abortion is wrong are reticent to make any legal changes, including to horrific practices such as later-term abortions. This is an issue on the Colorado ballot this year. Shamefully, my state is one of only nine that remain in which later-term abortion is allowed. Our state’s most famous late-term abortionist kills more than 200 so-called “viable fetuses” a year. (That’s why we’ve also scheduled a What Would You Say video on the issue of later-term abortions.)
In early October, a series of What Would You Say videos will tackle questions about voting: “Why Should Christians Vote?” “Should I Vote if I Don’t Like Any of the Candidates?” and, of course, how to respond to that old line “My Vote Won’t Make a Difference Anyway.”
Each What Would You Say video is short and shareable, only about four or five minutes long, animated and interesting, well-researched, and solidly grounded in Scripture and a Christian worldview. Each What Would You Say video will leave you with three or four memorable points to help you wade confidently into tough conversations.
Also, to help you prepare for the craziness of the next several weeks, we’ve created a downloadable, full-color What Would You Say booklet. Based on the videos and entitled, “Your Guide for Talking About the Tough Issues in 2020,” this resource walks you through hot-button issues such as abortion, Critical Theory, whether Christians should avoid politics and why voting is the beginning of our civic responsibilities.
This booklet is available with any donation to BreakPoint and the Colson Center. Simply come to BreakPoint.org/September. Your gift will help us continue to produce What Would You Say videos, equipping Christians with answers to our culture’s toughest questions. When you give here, you will be automatically taken to a page where you can download the PDF “Guide to Talking about the Tough Issues in 2020.”
Again, that’s at BreakPoint.org/September.
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