You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Assisted suicide is a compassionate option for those who are suffering. If someone is in unbearable pain, they should be able to end their life on their own terms.”
What would you say?
The push to legalize assisted suicide has intensified in recent years, and it’s often framed as a merciful and compassionate option for those who suffer from unbearable physical pain.
But assisted suicide is not compassionate.
Next time someone tells you that assisted suicide is the compassionate thing to do, remember these four things.
First, assisted suicide robs patients of compassionate care.
Second, the right to die leads to a duty to die.
Third, assisted suicide ruins trust with doctors.
Fourth, sometimes a terminal diagnosis is wrong.
Click on the video to hear the entire conversation, or go to WhatWouldYouSay.org to see more like it.
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