Marijuana and Pregnancy
The number of hospital visits for pregnant women has almost doubled in Ontario since Canada legalized recreational marijuana in 2018.
John Stonestreet Jared Hayden

Despite advocates’ claims that marijuana use is harmless, another study indicates otherwise. Apparently, the number of hospital visits for pregnant women has almost doubled in Ontario since Canada legalized recreational marijuana in 2018. Of those visits that were marijuana related, the majority were emergency room visits.
According to lead researcher Dr. Daniel Myran, although marijuana-related incidents were only a fraction of overall visits, almost all of them were serious. And according to other research, babies born to marijuana-using mothers are more likely to be born prematurely, have lower birth weights, and be admitted to neonatal care units. Exactly how marijuana harms preborn children will require additional research, but the clear risks are reason enough to recommend that pregnant moms avoid using marijuana altogether.
This is another contradiction to the narrative peddled to us for years. Recreational marijuana use is simply not as safe as we are told it was.
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