There’s a message that we’ve all been taught, since the very beginning of life, in the familiar morals of Disney movies: “Follow your heart! Don’t listen to what others say! Chase your dreams! What you’re looking for is inside you! Be yourself!”
This lesson we imbibe from our earliest age in these cartoons and then later in movies, television, and pop music is that, in figuring out life, we should first look within. Only then should look around to our families, our neighbors, our society, or even up to God.
Well, this way of figuring out ourselves and our lives is absolutely pervasive in our culture. It shapes how we talk about and do everything – from sexuality, to career, to religion, to law.
Trevin Wax joined Shane Morris on the Upstream Podcast to share how we need to rethink our culture’s call to “look within.” Trevin is a vice-president at Lifeway Christian Resources, the General Editor of the Gospel Project, a columnist at the Gospel Coalition, and the author of multiple books, including Rethink Yourself: The Power of Looking Up Before Looking In.
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