Tony Dungy Has Convictions
NFL coaching legend and commentator Tony Dungy is under fire for speaking at the March for Life.
John Stonestreet Kasey Leander

NFL coaching legend and commentator Tony Dungy is under fire both for speaking at the March for Life and for a tweet about schools providing litter boxes for students who identify as “furries.” Though students are identifying as animals, the litter box story seems mostly false at this point.
Dungy apologized for the tweet saying that as a Christian he wants to be “a force for healing and reconciliation—not for animosity.” But from the hate he is receiving, especially for his defense of preborn lives, you’d think he’d committed a felony.
Coach Dungy is showing the same calm confidence through this attack as he did on the sideline. Professor Robert George described why in a tweet:
The problem for Tony Dungy haters is that the man knows what he believes and why he believes it. He neither lusts for their approbation nor fears their animosity. They can’t intimidate him nor, in the end, will their cancellation campaign against him succeed. He’s bullet-proof.
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